Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Repost Purple Sandpiper

I am reposting the photos of the Purple Sandpiper. Blake Mathys very graciously asked if there might be Dunlin among the Purple Sandpipers. In an email he identified 2 in the first photo and a couple of other possibles in the second photo. I examined both photos in their original unreduced size. I agree with his IDs, and I think I have found additional Dunlin, as indicated by the numbered bubbles. Dunlin have a dark bill, slight downward curve, lighter about the head and body, lighter head, black legs. Sanderlings (which I have not found in these photos) are overall lighter than Dunlin.

But please weigh in - shorebird identification is an acquired skill, and I still have much to acquire. In flight they are also tough, even when frozen by a camera lens and with shorebird guides at the elbow.

Purple Sandpiper - Ruddy Turnstone (top left),  Dunlin indicated by numbered bubbles.

Part of a 4th Dunlin is at bottom of photo between 2 and 3

Purple Sandpiper with Dunlin (numbered bubbles)

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